
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Relationship between Gut Health and Autism

 Autism affects not only the diagnosed child, but the entire family. It is a poorly understood disease and is associated with many possible causes. Even though a child with autism may be in physical pain and have communication problems, their pain is shared by the family. It's especially frustrating before you figure out what the problem is.


When CJ was young, I knew he was in pain and at first he felt helpless. Then my inner warrior kicked in and I learned all I could about autism and how to heal my son from the inside out. Autism used to be blamed on the mother and children were often kept out of sight at home or in an institution.


As more research sheds light on this complex disorder and more children are correctly diagnosed, more people are speaking out about the effects of autism on their children and families. Kelly Preston and John Travolta's son Jett has been diagnosed with autism. Recently, Kelly Preston was on the TV show The Doctors and shared her feelings about what contributed to her son Jett's autism and seizures. He believes several factors are involved. She had food poisoning during her pregnancy which felt like Jett was also affected. The difficult and rapid delivery led to the rupture of the placenta, which caused a high fever. Kelly was given antibiotics to fight the infection.


Kelly asked 3 doctors if it was safe to take medication and breastfeed at the same time. They all told him it was okay. Well, Jett got thrush, a yeast infection - Candida - that often leads to leaky gut syndrome and other intestinal problems. I can relate to how Kelly feels I believe that the main problem in the cause of autism is the gut. I had two bladder infections when I was pregnant with CJ and was given antibiotics each time. No one told me to take probiotics to replenish my good gut bacteria during and/or after meds. I believe that if I had taken probiotics after the first infection, I would not have gotten another one. I really believe it affected CJ because he was born with cradle cap - another type of yeast/Candida infection.


Many children with autism have leaky gut syndrome. Giving antibiotics to pregnant women without telling them the importance of supplementing their gut bacteria with probiotics is a real problem and the beginning of a major disaster ahead. An unbalanced gut is like an unhappy child Poor CJ had stomach problems in his youth. She was throwing up and crying the whole time. People told me she would grow out of it - that she was just having colic or a baby. I wish I knew then what I know now about the importance of probiotics. He won't suffer much longer until we start healing his intestines. CJ was miserable and sick for the first few years of his life until we discovered fermented and cultured foods. Once we started replenishing the good bacteria in his stomach, CJ gradually improved. This is important information for all women who are thinking about having a baby. The health of your gut can affect your baby's future overall health.


Research has linked a mother's gut flora to her child's gut flora. In fact, your gut flora changes every trimester to support your baby's growth during pregnancy. Babies who have a vaginal birth have a more diverse gut flora than babies born by caesarean section. Researchers believe this could lead to better health as they age. So if you eat healthy and keep your gut bacteria in balance, your baby will have a balanced gut. It seems simple, but how many OB/GYNs inform their patients about this? I was told to take my prenatal vitamins with folic acid, but I was never told about the importance of gut health. I know part of the problem is that gut bacteria has only recently gotten the attention it deserves, so maybe my doctors just don't know how important it is to have a balanced gut.


Seventeen years ago I wondered how many doctors recommend a balanced diet including fermented/cultured foods to balance gut bacteria? Or how about recommending a sugar-free diet? So if he has a yeast infection in his body, he won't feed and thrive on the added sugar? This is an easy place to start! There are many theories about the causes of autism I believe that there is not just one factor per child. However, I think many factors affect the likelihood of your child being diagnosed with autism. I also believe that the best way to reduce the odds is to keep your gut balanced before, during, and after pregnancy. No doctor knows everything about every possible cause of every disease. That's why it's so important to be your own fighter and do as much research as possible.


An imbalanced gut may be just one piece of the autism-related puzzle, but it's definitely worth the time and energy to explore. Additionally, a healthy gut helps to:

  • ·         Improve digestive function
  • ·         Improve bowel function
  • ·         Improve liver function
  • ·         Improve blood circulation function
  • ·         Improve joint and muscle function
  • ·         Improve sleep function
  • ·         Improve immunity against allergies
  • ·         Improving the absorption of vitamins
  • ·         Development of lactose tolerance
  • ·         Development of gluten tolerance
  • ·         Improve appetite
  • ·         Improve skin quality
  • ·         Improve metabolism
  • ·         Improves mental clarity (gut-brain connection)
  • ·         Reduce your indigestion
  • ·         Reduce your stomach problems
  • ·         Reduce the incidence of heartburn
  • ·         Reduce the incidence of constipation
  • ·         Reduce the incidence of diarrhea
  • ·         Reduce yeast infections
  • ·         Reduce the incidence of oral infection
  • ·         Reduces wrinkles  
  • ·         Reduce gas and bloating
  • ·         Increases the absorption of nutrients
  • ·         Increases energy
  • ·         Increases hydration

So who wouldn't want to replenish their good gut bacteria? Be your own fighter Doctors are ordinary people who have an extraordinary job of treating people. They don't know all the answers, nor do they know how to ask all the questions. Read and learn as much as you can about the importance of a healthy gut before you get pregnant. You'll get tons of advice from doctors, friends, family, and even strangers!


Don't take everything as the only truth, but at the same time don't ignore what anyone says. Not all "old wives' tales" are fantasy; most of them are passed down from generation to generation. Our ancestors knew the importance of fermented/cultured foods, but we are starting to push them to the back burner as processed and convenience foods flood our culture. Sometimes simple is better!


Is their proof that fermented foods work? People always ask me this question and I have three answers for them. First of all, YES! CJ is living/breathing proof of a healthy boy through probiotics. Second, history and our ancestors show the importance of fermented foods. We no longer do what they did and it shows the state of our health today.


Obesity and inflammation-related diseases are on the rise! Let's go back in time and eat simply and healthily! Third, don't believe me, all you have to do is go to your favorite web browser and type in benefits of fermented foods to read all about the research that proves the benefits of fermented/cultured probiotic foods. It's amazing how much money is spent on research that confirms what our ancestors knew many years ago! Remember, just EAT. So try some cultured/fermented foods. You'll be glad you did! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

How to get most out of your skincare routine?

 Do you remember that when it spreads in a lot of cold cream and then remove it with a lot of tissues, the best skin care routine was considered. Fortunately, today we know that heavy synthetic creams do not take place in a healthy regime for skin care. To make the most of the care of your complexion, you must develop some healthy and effective habits.

These are my well-investigated recommendations, which personally helped me to make the most of my skin care routine.

Clean your face in the right way

There is no doubt that clean skin is healthy skin. Unfortunately, too many people make the mistake of cleaning the face. Once a day, preferably before bedtime, it is all you need to keep your skin properly clean.

Avoid hard bar soap and facial cleaners to eliminate dirt and grimes. They can remove natural oils from the face and neck, leaving you with an uncomfortably tight and dry sensation.

Instead, it adheres to a soft cleaner formulated with high-concentrations of active and natural ingredients. The Caolin and Bentone gel are two of the most gentle but effective natural substances to eliminate dirt while leaving their soft face and necious neck.

Be sure to rinse with warm water. Forget the old advice that says to rinse with hot or cold water is good for its pores. Warm water, really, is better.

Include exfoliation once a week

Exfoliation is an essential part of a good skin care routine because it eliminates the accumulation of dead cells and toxins excreted from your body through the skin. You may be pleasantly surprised by the positive way in which your skin responds to this weekly cleaning practice. I know I was.

For the exfoliation to be safe and effective, do not buy cheap exfoliants who are made of great grains. These products can create small tears and tears in the skin. Personally, I have found some exfoliants that contain small and effective grains. Must give a read to 10 fun facts of scrubbing

Hydrates with oils and emollients based on plants

Clinically proven oils and emollients, hydrate, nourish, and support healthy cell function. This contrasts directly with a heavy cold cream, which obstructs pores and prevents the natural excretion of toxins.

My personal preference is a moisturizer formulated with high concentrations of avocado oils and macadamia nuts. The intense richness of these extracts means that an amount of "size of ten cents" is all I need to achieve a luxily rich softness.

Do not be wrong about it. Heavy cold can be a thing of the past, but healthy and beautiful skin never goes out of style. If you have a good skin care routine that incorporates constant practice and healthy and natural products, it will not be difficult to maintain a beautiful complexion.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Why is a balanced skincare routine so important?

Early 40s complete skincare routine

In all aspects of our life, we need balance. This includes how we take care of our skin. We need to follow a balanced skin care routine to ensure that our skin remains younger and soft. So if you are soon to reach 40 or are still in early 40s, you should focus more on your growing face and features. And of course early 40s complete skincare routine.

So what are the steps in this type of skin care routine?

·         In the first place, we must ensure that our lifestyle does not damage our skin, avoiding smoking (cause premature skin aging), and overexposure to the sun, especially in the middle of the day.

·         Second, we need to keep our skin hydrated drinking a lot of water and eating many fresh fruits and vegetables.

·         Finally, we must choose an effective skin care product to hydrate our skin. The first two are easy to follow, so my concern will be to help find the best product that can be part of our balanced skin care routine.

Due to our emphasis on balance here, we must also look for a product that contributes to our strategy. The skin care product we need is one that offers benefits for our skin by attacking skin problems, such as skin aging. It must also contain natural ingredients to ensure that it does not harm us.

Does it sound like a difficult job? Actually, it will be easier after having presented the ingredients you need to search in an anti-aging product. There is avocado oil, a natural avocado oil that is hydrated and compatible with the oils of our skin. It is also an antioxidant that can help improve the vitality and health of our skin.

Another is Macadamia oil, also a natural oil that is easily absorbed by our skin to replace lost oils. It contains palmitolio acid that has been shown to benefit our skin.

It has been found that natural vegetable emollients, such as Cetiol CC, Cegasoft PFO and Cetiol Plg, help soften the skin and its sorbitol and glycerin offer deep hydration.

Therefore, a balanced skin care routine will be completed with the use of a skin care product that has natural ingredients, such as natural oils.

Do not be fooled by advertising campaigns that promote some big names in the skin care industry today. Many of them will not benefit our skin; They will only aggravate our skin concerns. In addition, they will not provide us with the balance we need because most of their ingredients are chemicals.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Reasons Mediterranean diet is healthy

 If you are someone who is looking for a solid diet plan, you might feel overwhelmed most of the time. In the 21st century, it is almost impossible for a person to turn on the television or open a newspaper without being bombarded with advertisements for all kinds of diet plans and products.

With so many diet plans, programs, supplements, and aids on the market, it seem almost impossible to choose a diet plan that will work and best suit your needs now and in the future. More importantly, it can be difficult to know if any of the different diet plans are actually a healthy course. Often, fad diets are not actually based on the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. As you continue to consider what type of diet plan or regimen will best serve your interests and improve your future health, you will want to look into the benefits that can be gained from the Mediterranean diet.

Do you know that Mediterranean diet has been considered a popular diet of 2022?

Why Mediterranean diet?

While there are many reasons why the Mediterranean diet is a healthy approach, there are five main reasons why the Mediterranean diet is a good choice.

Benefits of fruits, vegetables, fiber, and whole grains

A large part of the Mediterranean diet includes regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Doctors and nutritionists generally agree that a person should eat five to six servings of fresh fruits and vegetables (or steamed meals) per day. People who follow a Mediterranean diet end up eating more than the minimum recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. As a result, nutritionists in various parts of the world recommend a Mediterranean-based diet regimen to their clients. Likewise, doctors today who consult with their patients about healthy eating habits often recommend their own Mediterranean diet.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean diet includes a healthy amount of fiber and whole grains. Fiber and whole grains have been shown to reduce the incidence of heart disease and some types of cancer.

Benefits of olive oil – avoiding saturated fat

Some people have basic misconceptions about the Mediterranean diet. These people have heard that the Mediterranean diet is high in fat. On some level, there is some truth to the idea that the Mediterranean diet is higher in fat than other diets. A person following a Mediterranean diet gets about thirty percent of their daily calories from fat. (Most diets recommend consuming calories from fat at a rate of thirteen to fifteen percent per day. However, these diets consider the consumption of animal fat.)

Most of the fat a person consumes in the Mediterranean diet comes from olive oil. In other words, the fat found in the Mediterranean diet is not the dangerous saturated fat that can cause disease, obesity, and other health problems. In fact, research has shown that consuming olive oil has many solid benefits, including reducing the risk of breast cancer in women.

Milk in moderation

While moderate consumption of low-fat or non-fat dairy products can be beneficial in some cases, many people around the world rely on full-fat cream, eggs, and other dairy products in their daily diet. The Mediterranean diet is low in dairy. In fact, all dairy products that are actually included in the diet regimen are low in fat. A person is considered a very heavy egg eater if they eat four eggs a week.

Red meat in moderation

Very little red meat is included in the Mediterranean diet. When it comes to meat, this diet relies on a fair amount of lean chicken and fresh fish. As a result, people who follow a Mediterranean diet plan have lower levels of "bad" cholesterol and higher levels of "good cholesterol."

In addition, by including lean fresh fish in the diet, followers of the Mediterranean diet take advantage of the antioxidant benefits found in some fish oils and products.

A well-balanced diet plan

In the final analysis, the Mediterranean diet has received praise from experts and followers worldwide because it is a balanced diet program. Study shows that a balanced diet low in fat and including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats ensures overall health and well-being.


The Mediterranean diet is a comprehensive regimen for healthy living. By following the strict rules of the Mediterranean diet, one can enjoy better health, a reduced risk of certain diseases, and in many cases, a long life.